

Options is a configuration object that hosts LDkit settings for various of its components.

The only mandatory property of the options is to specify one or more RDF datasources. The minimum example of such context is the following:

import { type Options } from "ldkit";

const options = {
  sources: ["https://example.com/sparql"],
} satisfies Options;

The Options structure accepted by LDkit is a superset of query engine Context defined in RDF/JS Query specification and made compatible with Comunica Context, for maximizing ease of adoption. Therefore, if you use Comunica as a query engine with LDkit, chances are you do not have to to any changes - just pass the Comunica context as LDkit options.

LDkit Options properties

Key Type Description
engine IQueryEngine Query engine to process SPARQL queries. LDkit uses the default query engine, unless specified otherwise.
sources string[] or IDataSource[] List of RDF sources. The default query engine included in LDkit accepts only a single source, and it must be a SPARQL endpoint.
fetch typeof fetch Custom fetch function.
language string Preferred data language - for cases when you query multilingual data.
take number Number of resources to return by default by the Lens object. The LIMIT property of a SELECT query.
logQuery (query: string) => void Function that is called every time a query is processed by the query engine. Useful for logging purposes.

Setting default Options

Options object needs to be passed to a data Lens as a parameter, and there are two ways how to handle that. Either you can pass the object directly as an argument when creating the Lens instance, or you can set a global options. If there are global options set up, then the Lens will use the global options object, unless you provide one directly when creating the instance.

import { createLens, type Options, setGlobalOptions } from "ldkit";

const options = {
  sources: ["https://example.com/sparql"],
  language: "en",
} satisfies Options;


const customOptions = {
  language: "cs",
} satisfies Options;

const firstResource = createLens(FirstSchema); // will use the global options
const secondResource = createLens(SecondSchema, customOptions); // will use custom options