
import * as ldkit from "https://deno.land/x/ldkit/rdf.ts";

RDF utilities

This module contains a re-export of external RDF libraries that are used in LDkit and may be used in tandem with LDkit in Linked Data applications as well.

Included packages:

  • @rdfjs/types RDF/JS authoritative TypeScript typings
  • n3 RDF parser and serializer
  • rdf-data-factory A TypeScript/JavaScript implementation of the RDF/JS data factory
  • rdf-literal Translates between RDF literals and JavaScript primitives


Generic query engine interfaces. It allow engines to return any type of result object for Algebra queries.

An RDF quad, taking any Term in its positions, containing the subject, predicate, object and graph terms.

Generic interface that defines query objects following the Future pattern.

Bindings represents the mapping of variables to RDF values using an immutable Map-like representation. This means that methods such as set and delete do not modify this instance, but they return a new Bindings instance that contains the modification.

BindingsFactory can create new instances of Bindings.

Contains an RDF blank node.

A factory for instantiating RDF terms and quads.

An instance of DefaultGraph represents the default graph. It's only allowed to assign a DefaultGraph to the .graph property of a Quad.

An RDF literal, containing a string with an optional language tag and/or datatype.

Contains an IRI.

An RDF quad, containing the subject, predicate, object and graph terms.

Query object that returns bindings.

Query object that returns a boolean.

Context properties provide a way to pass additional bits information to the query engine when executing a query.

Options that can be passed when executing a query.

Represents a specific query format

QueryOperationCost represents the cost of a given query operation.

QueryOperationOrder represents an ordering of the results of a given query operation.

Query object that returns quads.

QueryResultCardinality represents the number of results, which can either be an estimate or exact value.

Context properties for engines that can query upon dynamic sets of sources.

Context properties in the case the passed query is a string.

Query object that returns void.

Custom typings for the RDF/JS ResultStream interface as the current typings restrict the generic param Q to extensions of "BaseQuad", meaning it cannot be used for Bindings.

A Sink is an object that consumes data from different kinds of streams.

A Source is an object that emits quads.

A Store is an object that usually used to persist quads.

A quad stream. This stream is only readable, not writable.

Generic query engine interfaces. It allow engines to return any type of result object for string queries.

A variable name.

Type Aliases

SPARQL-constrainted query interface for queries provided as Algebra objects.

The named graph, which is a DefaultGraph, NamedNode, BlankNode or Variable.

The object, which is a NamedNode, Literal, BlankNode or Variable.

The predicate, which is a NamedNode or Variable.

The subject, which is a NamedNode, BlankNode or Variable.

Helper union type for quad term names.

Union type for the different query types.

Context properties in the case the passed query is an algebra object.

SPARQL-constrained query interface for queries provided as strings.

Contains an Iri, RDF blank Node, RDF literal, variable name, default graph, or a quad